Thursday, 18 July 2019

Breaking the Task of Writing

The idea for this post is from an article on Psychotactics .com 

It's about writing an article the most effective way. Those who have written articles knows the time it takes to research, writing the skeleton of the article, the first draft, editing, last minute polishing and preparing the final copy. In most cases, we start to finish a task in one go. And this burns us. Besides, the rush to finish the article in one sitting, often leads us to write another generic piece - which adds nothing new to the reader.

Better Way of Writing Articles 

Writing like any other task which you carry out has different stages and steps. Each step is a process, which takes your time and energy. What if you can space the steps or give a break between each of the process?

Conserving energy helps to reduce the burnout, delivers better results. Here's the way to plan it.

Breaking the Task of Writing Articles 

Instead of finishing the article in one go - take multiple short-breaks between each activity. For instance, here an example of the stages in article writing.

1. Research on the topic. This often takes more time and time just flies without you knowing that you have sat for an hour looking for points, relevant topics, stats, etc. Keep a timer at hand to check the progress and to keep a tab on the tab you spend. After you find the articles for reference, download it or copy it in one place.

 ( Take a breather. Go for a walk out or engage in a different activity)

2. Come back and start to think of the points or the skeleton points for the article.

  -  How to start the opening paragraph. What story would go to make it more reverting.

  - Bridge the story to the article

  - Add more points to highlight your concept

  - Cement key thoughts with additional points

  -  Closing thoughts

( Time for another short 5 min break)

3. Now, all things are in place. It's time to weave the points to write the first draft

 ( First draft is done - Break free from the place, get engaged in a different activity)

4.Now you're again refresher, not overwhelmed by the bits of task you have done

 Spend more time polishing the text, clearing the grammar points, deleting repeated ideas, cutting down repetitive thoughts and words which don't carry much weight to the article.

Final break. Take your time away from the article you have made. Take a walk to get fresh air. Your brain needs a short refreshment. Any short activity from a clutter or pruning a plant, or feeding the fish in the aquarium or arranging things are best for a recharge.

Now, get back to the article. Read it aloud. Does it sound good? Is there novelty in the article? Do a polish with added points, headers, etc.

Now it's all set for the article to go places. At the end, you are not overwhelmed, there's no WHEW feeling, no rush to go out to grab a light or to take a big coffee break. The work done is smooth, you have finished it within the deadline, and with time to spare. Also the best part is that you have the satisfaction of finishing it on e time and a perfect piece is done.

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