Monday 29 April 2019

Fast Learning Blog Writing Skills

Blogging Tips

Here's a typical of scenario!

I would love to start a blog. Not just have a blog, but it should come in the first page of search ranking. Does it sound familiar to you? Did you start your blog with this goal in mind, but failed to reach the right orbit.

If you've ever had these question in mind, then this blogging class is FOR YOU!

Blogging class covers these aspects!

Blogging starting kit which covers
  • Step-by-step guide to start your blog today
  • Design ideas and techniques
  • Formatting Tips 
  • Tech Tutorial - Learn how to optimize the blog
  • Easy guidance 

Tips to Become a Good Blog Writer
  1. Collect ideas ( Never leave ideas on the table. Pen it)
  2. Create a story or start with a good narrative
  3. Make a skeleton 
  4. Writing Headlines ( Test and Tweak headlines)
  5. Read, Read and Read other blogs
  6. Visit social sites like Quora and forums 
  7. Write consistently 

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